All through vet school the doctors told all of us their stories of memorable cases and clients. Grays Harbor has already given me some memorable say the least.
Here are a couple of my favorites so far!!!
1. Cat presents with a horrible flea infestation. Should be a simple in and out appointment...or so I thought. I walk in and introduce myself...the response? Laughing. Not exactly what I was expecting but lets see how it goes. Upon examining Chester, the cat, it is confirmed that the problem is indeed a simple flea infestation. Why is this case memorable? Is it the laughing response...NO! Was the cat sweet or gorgeous...NO! It would be the moment that my pen fell out of my pocket and the client quickly reached across the table and stole my pen!!! Definately not how I expected this appointment to go but it does make for an interesting story.
2. Dog presents after falling out of the back of a truck. Diagnosis...Dislocated hip. Popped the hip back in on Friday, again on Saturday and then sent home on Monday with strict orders to keep confined and calm. Dog presents back 2 weeks later, sling bandage still in place but hip is back out. Upon speaking further with the owner, I find out that the dog has been kenneled except when she went outside....the only problem is the dog was not taken out on a leash (which was part of the go home instructions). I will never forget the complete look of shock on the owners face when I told her that it was probably when she was running around outside to go potty that the hip dislocated again. Due to cost constraints the owners could not afford to continue treatment and were forced to look at euthanasia....this pup was so sweet and cute that I convinced the clinic to take responsibility and transfer ownership....she is now being fostered at our house. Unfortunately, three pups are a little much for John and I at this point so we are currently looking for a new home for her. If you or anyone you know would be interested in meeting or trying out Lilah please let me know!!!

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